Update: Upcoming Haul & Liese Hair Dye
LIESE BUBBLE HAIR DYE:On my last blog post I did a pretty thorough (Or I would like to think I did hahaha) review and I as a final conclusion I gave it a 4/5 rating. It's now been a week, and I find that the colour faded about 1 shade down, for me that meant, that it was getting lighter since the colour before I dyed it was very light. I don't have any pictures of when it faded, since I dyed my hair again (YES I KNOW SO BAD >________< but I really wanted the lightness gone), but I could tell you that it my whole head was a tad bit lighter than when I first dyed it.
SO BECAUSE OF THE RESULT OF ONLY 7 DAYS LATER: I revoke my rating of it being 4/5 to a 3.5/5.
I RECOMMEND THIS DYE TO THOSE WHO ARE ONLY LOOKING FOR A SUBTLE CHANGE IN HAIR COLOR, or you want to achieve a shade that is 1 level subdued from what the picture on the box is.
On a sidenote:
I re-dyed only about the top of my head (4 inches from my roots) using Redken Color Fusion Dye in Natural 4NN. It's a professional hair dye box (I got this from my cousin who's a hairstylist, so I had to mix my own dye with peroxide level 10, and I used level 10 cause I wanted to darken my hair colour) and I only left it in for about 15-18 minutes just cause I only wanted to get a tad bit darker. Turned out awesome, the bottom half of my hair is a bit lighter because of the Liese Dye, but I actually really like the effect.
As you guys might know (or not), I've ordered quite a few products from this South Korean site called "StyleNanda". I didn't order any clothes from them, just because I didn't see anything particular that I like or stood out to me (There are certainly some really nice pieces on the site, but nothing I feel that I can't find around where I live). So all that things from StyleNanda will be only make-up related things.
The package has actually arrived, but I'm missing two things for some reason.. they wrote the wrong address on the second package of things and now they're sending it back to Korea =.= So it won't be most likely until another 2 weeks or so until I get the rest of my things from them. And I won't be putting up a blog post until I have everything together.
So far all I can say is: their shipping is actually quite fast, the first package came in 10 days! Impressiveeeeeee.... but it might take double that time to get my second package SIGH...
Here's a little preview of StyleNanda products I ordered:
Check out their site here: http://en.stylenanda.com/
Along with my StyleNanda stuff, I'll also be showing you guys a collective haul of the things I got including, random stuffs from Daiso (Japanese 2$ Store), clothes and accessories from Zara, French Connection, The Bay Hudson's Company, Guess and h&m!
I'll also be posting up a review on Skinfood's Red Orange BB Cream, and Skinfood's Fresh Fruit Lip & Cheek Tint~
*FOR THE HAUL, I'll just be using my crappy quality ipod camera. But for the review I WILL use a better quality camera... hopefully x_____x, I'm still trying to find my charger (fingers crossed)
Bye says Ttalgi~